Plan miasta Merzili

Merzili - Najnowsze wiadomości:

The President of Azerbaijan Republic regrets on Chief editor's arrest

Azerbaijan President Ilham Aliyev reacts to Azerbaijan Press Council's charman petition regarding the arrest of Asif Merzili, editor-in-chief of the newspaper, ?Tezadlar?. This was said by Ali Hasanov, the head of social-political ...
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Armenian Professor will Wage war on Worldwide Historians

Armenian military forces committed arsons in 4 000 hactares in the vileges of Merzili, Novruzlu and Yusifjanli, 1 500 hectares in Afateli, Garadaghli and ? CE won t probe into Armenian arsons in Azeri lands ...
źródło: BlogSearch

Chief Editor of the newspaper, ?Tezedlar? prisons

... rector of the Azerbaijan International University (AIU), pro-rector, Huseyn Ahmadov and tutor of AIU Eldeniz Abdullayev against the defendants: Asif Merzili, editor-in-chief of the newspaper ?Tezadlar?, and journalist, [...]
źródło: BlogSearch
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